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e-PayDay Go ensures your payroll end of financial year (EOFY) is less stressful.

Updated: 51 minutes ago

Happy end of financial year by e-PayDay Go

We have great news for e-PayDay Go users now that the EOFY is here. With our new cloud payroll, you no longer have to send your final event to the ATO before processing a pay run in the new financial year. We understand the additional stress this requirement has caused previously, and we hope you're happy with this improvement.

As always, we have provided our popular EOFY Cheat Sheet and Survival Guide to assist you.

Are you using e-PayDay Legacy?

Follow the e-PayDay Legacy STP EOFY Survival Guide if you have been reporting using STP Phase 1 using e-PayDay Legacy.

If you are still using e-PayDay Legacy, DO NOT process any pay runs in the new financial year (2025) unless your ATO STP deferral is current.

After processing your final event, please ensure you have transitioned to e-PayDay Go before processing your first pay run in the new financial year.

The Superannuation Guarantee increased to 11.5% from 1 July 2024.

We've got you covered with this change. e-PayDay Go automatically notifies you that the Employer SG Percentage is below 11.50% (on or after 1 July 2024) when processing a pay run. You have full control over the SG rate.

Obtaining support at the End Of Financial Year.

End of financial year humour - Randy Glasbergen

During the end of the financial year, we receive a significant increase in support queries, which can strain our resources. Support is available by submitting a request, but please be aware that there may be a delay in response. While we always strive to contact you on the same business day, depending on the number of tickets and support team resources, we may not respond until the next business day. We appreciate your understanding and patience when contacting support during the busiest period of the payroll year.

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